Project Team Experience

Most kick-offs stay on the surface, dealing with content and information. The Project Team Experience is an intensive three day event focusing on team behaviour and experiences in addition to project definition. As a result the team will have an in depth understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and how to generate high performance on their forthcoming project.


Experienced facilitators from The Project Leadership Institute will carefully guide the process with a hands-on and interactive approach. Together with the core project team they will create an open and collaborative environment that's conducive to high performance. In only three days we reach a level of depth amongst the team members which is based on trust, psychological safety and the ability to have constructive conflicts. The goal is clarity, personal commitment and accountability. Factors that lay the foundation for high performance and the attention to project results. 


Before we start, basic information about the project needs to be in place and shared with all participants.


If you would like to start a conversation about how we can make the Project Team Experience work for you and your organisation, please contact The Project Leadership Institute on or call +31 6 3987 2600.